It is a curious fact that novelists have a way of making us believe that luncheon parties are invariably memorable for something very witty that was said, or something very wise that was done. But they seldom spare a word for that was eaten.
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own
Today's title is a shout out to a certain English Department that I'm growing increasingly fond of as graduation looms. If I had my way, the next Symposium would take place here...A Great Place to Hang with English Professors and also...
Best Bar if you want to seem like a really cool girl/
Best Bar to take and test your girlfriend
The hands-down winner is Victory Bar & Cigar, Shrewsbury Street, Worcester. Cigar bars only fly with a small number of people, so I have little worry that the next time I pop over, my graduating class will have infiltrated. This is without a doubt, the greatest part of Victory for me, the crowd is generally 35+ and at any given moment there are no more than 3 women...No one I know goes there without me...Wonderous. If you're lucky enough to snag seats in the back, you're free to lounge in comfort with table service (albeit, the strip club vibe is strong back there, but it's a small price to pay). Friendly bartenders, decent price, and an all around good vibe has been my experience on at least two birthdays and a dozen or so other occasions.
Ladies, bring your guy here and you've pretty much set yourself up for the sexiest looking night ever. For a woman to bring a man here is a fool-proof plan: You won't be doing the trying-to-get-the-bartenders-attention jig which we all know looks like an awkward two step side to side around the inevitably-massive bar hogs; Geriatric gentlemen part, even MOVE THEIR CHAIRS to make sure you can squeeze in to survey the bar. And that's not an easy feat in a floor length fur coat (watch out for him) and gold diggers hooked to each arm (hearts of gold I promise). Once the drink situation is settled, the would-be imposing cigar selection can be easily navigated with assistance from the helpful staff. Or, if you're trying to go home with the helpful staff, study up on the basics at
Now comes the "Best Bar to take and test your girlfriend" part: Even I can admit that after the 2 hour marker, I get the slightly asphyxiated, Caterpillar-on-the-mushroom feel...But if your girl can keep herself afloat here, hold onto her because you're already doing a lot better than the rest of the people in there who are sitting alone, with an extra change of clothes in the car, so the wife doesn't know they've been smoking. If she can hold her own here, maybe pick out a decent cigar, and/or at least pretend she's not suffocating...you've got something good.
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