I firmly believe that every once and a while, the universe intercedes on my behalf. Someone or something out there protects me from--not necessarily harm--but more likely, myself, or in tonight's case...disappointment.
For weeks I have been preparing myself to watch Twilight. Don't judge, I can't help it. There's only so many times I can watch and re-watch every Harry Potter, and it was time for a new supernatural indulgence. So I bumped it to the top of my Netflix and carefully studied every Robert Pattinson/Kristen Stewart photo shoot/interview session ("interview" is a generous phrase, since I'm pretty sure neither of them were able to construct a comprehensible sentence).
But I proceeded, not wanting to be left behind when my grandchildren eventually watch the movie (like I did with "The Way We Were"...saving the gushing for another post), and want to hear my first hand account of the generational phenomenon.
Enter: The Universe, when I accidentally returned my unwatched Twilight to Netflix. At this point, an unfortunate accident. A few days later Cul surprised me with my very own copy, complete with limited edition Twilight Post cards. Now I was ready.
So we planned a Twilight night, I bought a bottle of "Spellbound" Cabernet to really get in the mood.
Re-Enter the Universe: The movie won't play, damn my laptop. But I persist, unable to accept that perhaps the universe is trying to shield me from something. We finally get the movie playing...
And the disappointment is so great I still can't express myself. Fifteen minutes in and I had to turn it off. There really are no words, just sadness and a very cold empty feeling.
Thinking positively though, the wine was delicious and we ended up watching Interview with a Vampire instead. An oldie but still a goodie.
1 comment:
If you DVD player really loved you, it would have burst into flame to save you.
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