Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Quick Sampler

Never having been a blogger before, I'm selfishly using this surprisingly remarkable tool to release all the informal pronouns I've been stifling since high school. It's already proving to be quite cathartic. But aside from the innumerable contractions and first person perspectives I plan to abuse, the heart of my writing is in my stomach. Awkward...let me start by removing myself from the the serious conversations on obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc... Don't get me wrong, I'm the first one to hand out vitamins and gym passes in Christmas stockings, and Special K bars in Easter baskets...But I do believe in vices...strongly. I've chosen mine very specifically, food is one of them. Disclaimer from the start: Your body is your own, do what's best for it.

My foodie tendencies, like much of my life-- is elitist and exclusive. I justify this because if it involves my body I get the last and only say and what I say is "Congratulations to me I got a raise and I want to celebrate with some amazing Italian" or "I'm sorry I was so insensitive, let's grab some Chinese and talk it over" or maybe even "The Route 9 Dunkins has better chocolate frosted, we need to turn around" I also try to justify my tendency to eat my feelings by a fully paid gym membership and my own painful vanities. I'll do what it takes, just let me eat.

Obsessive? Maybe, but food can sometimes say what we simply can't, it can ease the hostility when you're ready to throw a significant other out the window (what a waste of lo mein) and set the tone for your next few hours. I thrive on these challenges, making the dinner decision for the night, where, when, atmosphere, driving time, drink menu, possible wait time, price, best service, best bread....All essential contributing factors.

So the intention of my writings is to share restaurants, recipes, bars, diners, coffee shops etc from wherever I find them. And of course, I can't escape the inevitable conversations and emotions that start flying around when you send a 20-something anywhere you can find cheap food and booze. We may find comfort food, food that causes discomfort, food that repairs uncomfortable situations or uncomfortable situations that are caused by never know that can come out of the kitchen.


Emilia Jane said...

I just discovered you, friend! Thanks for putting me on your side bar. I'm excited to read the rest of your blog!

Unknown said...

Um.. this is fabulous and I just started. Can't wait to read the rest! Miss you lady!